13 Jan 2025

Now available! Diploma in Family Systems, limited availability.

Heal Your Relationship with Money


Would you like to enjoy money? Generate it in abundance and use it wisely? Do you know that you have a greater economic potential and somehow don’t reach it? If so, this online webinar is for you.

Money has to do with many other areas of your life, for example:

  • How do you value yourself?
  • What you think you deserve.
  • How comfortable you feel handling matter.
  • The relationship with your father.
  • Your spiritual connection
  • Detachment

By healing your relationship with money, you indirectly transform these aspects.

Precio: USD$39.99

  • IDIOMA English
User Avatar

Magui Block

Soy Magui Block, psicoterapeuta con más de 30 años ayudando a las personas a transformarse con amor.

Estoy muy feliz de conectarme contigo y compartir el trabajo que hago para brindarte una vida más plena, abundante y gozosa.